Hello . As promised in my email yesterday, I am writing you again today to talk with you about the ToLS Winter Solstice virtual gathering that I am hosting this coming Wednesday evening. There is no charge, however donations are always deeply appreciated. The details and Zoom link are at the bottom near my signature.
You’ve watched how over the years our ToLS community comes together near the winter solstice to do important sharing together. We acknowledge what was learned in the closing year and wonder about what’s to come in the new year.
While using a year as our measuring space could be considered arbitrary, it happens to work well for humans. One year is about the maximum most of us can reflect on in search of a theme for our life.
This solstice though, you and I are in the midst of great uncertainty. 2020 demanded resilience from you and I, . We’ve been great with that; not always perfect, but effective. We’ve endured hardship and losses.
Here we are, still standing strong.
The uncertainty of today ~ Covid virus mutations, employment and business mandates, schools going back to in-person yet with different learning modes ~ this up and down confusion causes you and I to ask…how can I have a life vision for the future with the way things are? Let me propose an approach that might work.
Our species is in the middle of a hard, long birth labor. In Spring 2020, our water broke. All that we are experiencing since then is the labor of uncomfortable ~ yet desired ~ change. All the ugliness that is “in our face” big
time ~ racism exposed, homelessness, gun violence, ideological divides, weather out of balance ~ is actually the stream of blood that flows from all births. Birth is a bloody experience. Birthing new life is painful. Consider this though...Is life about comfort or is it about quality? Liberation is a laborious process.
So, what are we birthing? I propose that if you and I can ask this question, taking a larger view of our future, we can rise to a
vision for ourselves in the new year. When I look beyond this current life I am living, into future generations, the ugliness of our times makes more sense to me.
We are transforming into Homo Luminous. We are shedding what has been, for what can be. I am also keenly aware that the attitude you and I present through this process will
teach our children how to take the helm when we are gone.
I see 2022 as one more “pearl” in the necklace of human spiritual evolution. Do you know how a pearl is made? It starts as a foreign particle or parasite in an
oyster’s gut. The oyster begins to surround it with “pearlescence”, eventually fully encasing the irritant with something of beauty.
This is what I want to do with the irritants of 2022; I want to make pearls out of them. This requires me to step up and live in high states of consciousness, especially in times when it might be hard to do so.
Together, one to one and as a community, you and I can help ourselves and others become “pearl makers”.
Please join me, , this Wednesday evening, along with our ToLS community, to discuss this and share how we can do this.
Winter Solstice Virtual Event – Wed, 12/22/21 @ 6 pm PT
Topic: ToLS Winter Solstice Gathering 2021
Time: Dec 22, 2021 06:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 865 8643 0889
Passcode: 130532
There is no charge, however donations are always deeply appreciated.