Happy New Year !
I hope you have had a restful and reflective shift into 2022. My husband and I are in a state of bliss looking out our windows at the snow. When the southern, low angle sun shines through the forest onto the four feet of snow, it looks like someone sprinkled glitter everywhere. We are so grateful to be living in this paradise! As I watched the warming snow fall off of the conifer boughs, what
came to me was the 365 Tao reading from yesterday:
"Upon completion comes fulfillment.
With fulfillment comes liberation.
Liberation allows you to go on.
Even death is not a true ending.
Life is infinite continuation."
It goes on to say....
"When you come to the end of a cycle, a new one will begin. In the completed cycle, you have achieved self-knowledge, discipline, and a new way of understanding yourself and the world around you.... With each turn of the wheel you go further. With each turn of the wheel comes continuation, new vistas and wisdom. Turn the wheel of your life. Complete your revolutions. Celebrate
every turning. Persevere with joy."
This is my wish for you in 2022. Thank you for being part of the Tree of Life Sanctuary community.
I have attached to this email our first version of the 2022 ToLS calendar of events. We are not posting this calendar information to the ToLS website yet. For that to happen, we need a volunteer or paid contractor to set up our Eventbrite pages for the events, learn the ToLS website calendar process and then manage it weekly. For now though, at least you'll have the dates for our
quarterly events and be able to see what else is coming up. More will be added as the year unfolds.
Until our next connection, rest and take good care of yourself.