, last week, once again, we suffered the pain of children lost due to our democratic society’s failure to solve the cause. I am feeling sad and I know you are too. Let me offer some comfort.
Remember at the start of the pandemic when I said that “we were made for these times”? Two weary years later, it's understandable to have forgotten this creed.
It’s easy to forget, ! After the pandemic and intense political division, humans today long to fall back into the comfortable way things used to be. However, the “times” we are in now are a grand departure from certainty, stability and relative peace. It’s going to take lightworkers like you and I to strap on our spiritual “boots” and accept the work ahead. Here’s a brief toolkit to help in this calling.
Lightworker’s Toolkit
Gear up emotionally for being super adaptable, while keeping your eye on the larger vision.
Expect high levels of risk at every turn, while fearlessly moving forward with wisdom.
Stay fit and in good health, for we need our bodies to be in service, now more than ever.
Live in high states of consciousness by following your spiritual path with a balance between action, devotion and contemplation. Most important….KNOW THYSELF!
Remain connected to other Lightworkers regularly, to share your story and to learn from them.
Expect to experience in yourself low states of consciousness like depression, apathy and even anger. When they strike, sit with them and examine what lies behind them. Have compassion for yourself. Then look for the portal forward into hope and renewal in any form that draws you.
, you and I need to take hold of the power in the crisis of our times. We must work together to create and sustain the transformation that is bubbling below it’s surface. This will take hard, exploratory work within our self, and a commitment to keep going. I know we can do it.
ToLS is Transforming
to Better Serve You
The Tree of Life Sanctuary is changing. Our changes will support you as a lightworker and seeker. Our organization itself has been impacted by this wave of social shift. While we have experienced growth pangs, our team has used the time to prepare better ways to serve our community of lightworkers and spiritual seekers. We have gotten even more clear on the three pillars of how we perform our mission and vision.
All three are designed to help you move from pain to solution, so you can fulfill your unique purpose on Earth.
I’ll tell you more about those three pillars in my next few emails, . In the meantime, save the date of Saturday, June 18, 10 am to noon. That’s the ToLS Summer Solstice open house gathering where myself and the ToLS team will share with you about the exciting new changes coming.
You'll be able to register in Eventbrite soon.
This gathering is also one of those opportunities to connect with other lightworkers and spiritual seekers. I’d love for you to join us!
Thanks for reading my email. I've attached the ToLS Event Calendar in case you need it.