Hi .
Paula Forget, ToLS Volunteer Program Manager
As you will recall, I shared recently that ToLS now has a Volunteer Program Manager. She is the delightful and
magickal Paula Forget! In this new role, she shares... “I am excited to promote the Seeker’s Library upcoming new location, and to help the Tree of Life Sanctuary succeed in any way I can”.
I met Paula at a local “Masters of the Journey” meeting many years
ago. Bit by bit we got to know each other, soon discovering that our common thread was our love of tarot.
Not only is Paula a tarot disciple, she is also an author. Her book about her path towards higher consciousness, Guided to the Higher Realms: a Personal Journey of Ascension through Meditation, will be available in the Seeker’s Library when we open our new location.
In reading it, I learned that Paula developed an interest in the nature of consciousness in her early teens. Then over a period of 30 years, she experienced several spiritual awakenings which led her to discover meditation.
Through meditation she was healed of rheumatoid arthritis and discovered the profound meaning of life. Learn more about her at her website. Today, she teaches Meditations for Everyday Living classes and leads groups on journeys of personal discovery. Oh, did I mention that she is also an artist?
So, as you can imagine, when ToLS was ready to bring in the ideal person for our
Volunteer Program Manager, Paula was the first person I thought of!
You are invited to get to know her better this coming Friday evening when she hosts a complimentary Wesak meditation on Zoom.
What is Wesak? It happens each year on the May/Taurus full moon. The event marks a moment when humans can more easily penetrate the mystery of
God. It helps us gain more clarity of our Divine Within, and the evolutionary course of our species. It blends Eastern and Western spirituality, touching into Christianity, Buddhism and Hinduism. Religious distinctions disappear in the experience.
You will find attached two pdfs…one an email that has all the details, including the zoom link, and the other a handout
on Wesak itself. No registration required. I hope you will join us!
As always, , thanks for reading my email.