Past Results from the ToLS Blossoming Vision
Hi, . Did you open my email because you need more hope? If so, you are not alone. Building hope into your heart ~ while crossing into a new phase
~ can bring amazing things to life! How would you like to hear about some of the past results from those who were involved with Blossoming Vision Bough gatherings? "Yes, tell me more about challenges that were overcome and dreams that came true!" We all need inspiration these days. Here's a brief list of results that I have noted over the years.... - Desired babies conceived.
- Annual income increased.
- Businesses launched or rebooted.
- Major home maintenance completed.
- New website launched (ToLS).
- Grants received (ToLS).
- Ebook published online (me).
- Progress made towards the completion of a new home.
- More clients showed up than last year.
- Found the ideal employee for my business.
- I improved my health and vitality.
- I discarded things and people in my life that no longer served my best interest.
- I am now living in my own place without roommates.
- I experienced a major transformation through a shift of my identity.
- I invested in myself and found my ideal employment.
What would your result be, ? Some of these results took more than one year to fully manifest, but manifest they did! What is your unique vision for 2023? Please join us for the creation of the 2023 BVB and let your ToLS community support you with it energetically every day at noon pacific time! There is no charge for this event; however, we hope you are inspired to make a donation. Keep scrolling down to register and learn more. *************************** Blossoming Vision Bough Our annual gathering is coming soon! Why does the Tree of Life Sanctuary create one each year? The BVB Why ~ How it Helps Us All - We build, strengthen and expand our School of the Soul community.
- We set you up for success by connecting you with our community support.
- We believe that supporting YOU in fulfilling your life purpose is why the Tree of Life Sanctuary exists.
- Nature is a direct, non-ego expression in our life of the Divine on planet Earth.
Saturday, March 18th, from 1 to 3 pm, we will hold the annual creation of our Blossoming Vision Bough (BVB). We'd love for you to join us. Learn more about it by watching the 2020 YouTube video. Your Personal BVB Item submission is welcome! The Received Deadline Date = Thursday, March 16, 2023 If you'd like to have an item attached to the BVB, watch the YouTube video first. Then please get it to us via email or postal mail. Email is Info@TreeofLifeSanctuary.org. The mailing address is P O Box 1064, Bellingham, WA 98227. ************************************************
A Bit More News... - I've attached an additional gift for you. Our "Messages of the Seasons" (latest version) explains a bit about how integral Nature is to what our School of the Soul teaches.
- Also find
attached the most current version of the ToLS event calendar in PDF format. It gives you a keen peek into the workings of our Team! Maybe you'd like to volunteer on one of the projects?
- I'm back to doing tarot readings again. While my times are limited still, I am slowly ramping back up. Go to my online scheduler to see what openings are available. CONTACT ME if you don't see a time that works for you, and we'll find one.
- There are numerous topics in my articles loaded to the ToLS blog. I know you will find some inspiration there!
*********************************** Ok, , you are done reading this long email. Thank you! I'll be in touch again next week. In the meantime, email me if you have any questions. Hugs, love and
light, Laura
Laura Abernathy, CPC, ELI-MP Writer, Certified Life
Coach Tree of Life Sanctuary School of the Soul Founder, President Books: www.LauraAbernathy.com Bellingham, WA
"Know Thyself" is the first
step. |