Know Thyself ~
How the Hell?
Last month I shared about the importance of being a clear channel to the Divine Within. This is imperative to understanding the END vision for
Humanity and your role in it. Once you have that inner Divine portal opened, the work begins to Know Thyself.
KNOW THYSELF. Two simple words, yet a whole study course could be devoted to them, where they first were seen and what they mean.
These two words were inscribed on the Greek Temple of Apollo in ancient Delphi. Originally, they were thought to mean know your abilities and limits, your place in life. Then in the 4th century BCE, Plato defined it to mean Know your Soul. This is how the Tree of Life Sanctuary perceives the meaning.
Success in Know
Thyself requires seven qualities. The first two are fundamental … 1) long term determination to get your answers and (2) trust and confidence in yourself. It’s ok if one of these qualities is stronger in you than the other! This is because, as you do your work, both your commitment and self-trust grow and feed each other.
Once you have these two qualities developed in yourself, you can develop the remaining qualities.
These give you faster results in Know Thyself…
3) Concentration
4) Curiosity
5) Openness
6) Optimism
7) Compassion
These qualities will lead you to…
• Paths, methods and options of how to Know Thyself.
• Support in your effort to Know Thyself, coming from your Divine Within and others.
Next time I'll share about the specific importance of knowing your life purpose as part of being a clear channel
for the END vision. Have fun with your Know Thyself exploration!