Thank You for Staying with Me!

Published: Wed, 06/15/16

Thank You for Signing Up...
...and staying with me!

It may seem like a small thing, but it's not to me.  I have lots more to share even as I move into what some call the "retirement phase" of my life.  I deeply appreciate your continued attention and trust. 

Please be patient with me as I go through this Aweber learning curve.  Images are a bit blurry and "off", and the fonts aren't exactly ideal.  In this email I just want to make sure you know about the two offerings coming up in the next couple of months.

Ignore all of the "read more" links.  That's another thing I haven't figured out to get rid of them!  

Hugs, love and light,
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Summer Solstice Open House
Saturday, June 18, 10 am - 4 pm
Our Summer Solstice Open House fundraising day is next Saturday, June 18th.  Come visit ToLS for awhile between 10 am and 4 pm, whatever time during the day works for you. I will be there, with the exception that I might step out for 10 minutes to grab some lunch at the Co-op.  But I will be right back with it and I will leave a note on the door.   Come see how we are doing with the library!  Any donations you can make will be tremendously appreciated!

Introduction to the Thoth Deck (Qabalistic Tarot)

Saturday, July 16, 11 AM - 1 PM

An introductory class on the Thoth tarot that covers its relationship to the Tree of Life, why the Qabalah informs the reading of the cards, familiarization with the creators of the Thoth deck, a brief history of the tarot and recommendations for personal research. Includes 14 page handout. 

 This intro class size is limited to 8 people. 5 spots left!

 $25.00 expression of appreciation.

(Taken it already? Refresh it, bring new questions and meet kindred spirits by repeating this class for a donation amount of your choice.) 

Sign up via Facebook, or call 360.592.0924 & leave your name and number.

Laura Abernathy, CPC,ELI-MP, Teacher and Founder of the Tree of Life Sanctuary, a School of the Soul, is a certified Life Coach, tarot reader and has studied and practiced Hermetic Qabalah for over 40 years.  (But you already knew all of this, right?)
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Laura Abernathy

Laura Abernathy, CPC, ELI-MP
Founder, President, Executive Director
Tree of Life Sanctuary
School of the Soul
Mail: P O Box 1064, Bellingham, WA 98227-1064
Location: 314 E. Holly #106, Bellingham, WA
"Know Thyself" is the first step.