I'm in the "Shuffle" Phase of Change (+ Fall Open House Info!)

Published: Sun, 09/18/16

The “Shuffle” Phase
of Change  
ToLS Fall Open House ​​​​​​​
From Laura 

Happy Fall Everyone!  The equinox steps in next Thursday, 9/22, at 7:21 am Pacific Time.

First, thank you to those of you who recently confirmed your desire to be on my email list.   I hope you will find something I and/or the Tree of Life Sanctuary can do to support your current phase of growth.  

My apologies for not being very visible over the last couple of months.  Several events have taken my attention, some growth building and challenging, and some just pure blissful fun!  The challenging ones involved deaths and serious illnesses in Jim and mine's family and community.  The fun ones involved some long overdue family visits and, last but not least, my attendance at the 50th Anniversary Star Trek convention in Las Vegas.  (You’ll be hearing more from me on this experience, so stay tuned if you are a Trekker!)

I will add that I have been in a period of reflection for awhile on the next phase of my life.  This is called the “shuffle” phase in the Hermetic Cycle of Change.   I am redefining how to prioritize my life.  I am recognizing that I am good at several types of work, however being good at something does not necessarily mean it is my gift of genius.  I plan to continue coaching, however will be reducing how much I do.  I will be increasing the time I spend on meditating, walking and writing.   

The life goals that seem to be bubbling up to the surface for me have a theme of “gathering up”. Such as finishing books I’ve started and maybe even publishing one of them, and exploring becoming a blogger.  For ToLS I want to get the Hermetic Qabalah classes I’ve taught over the years available on the School’s website.   Same for my classes on life purpose, mission statements, life review and tarot; they also need to be available on DVD, CD and my personal website.
Most important is that it has become very clear to me that I want to be doing this work while spending as much time as possible with my Beloved husband, Jim.   He is 74 this October and none of us are here on Earth forever.  Our time together is important. 

I'll be in touch again soon, but in the meantime for those of you who live local to Bellingham, WA.... I hope you will be able to join myself and other ToLS Colleagues at the open house this coming Saturday, September 24th.  Drop in anytime between noon and 4 pm for something warm to drink, a cookie or two and some really awesome conversation.

Love and light,


Honoring the Fall Equinox:
ToLS Library Open House & Social 

Saturday, September 24, 2016
Noon to 4 pm

For those of you local to Bellingham, WA, our quarterly Open House & Socials are your opportunities to come visit ToLS without an appointment.   

Stop by between noon and 4 pm, whatever time works for you. Laura will be there, along with current ToLS Colleagues.   Come see our progress with the library!  Have a warm drink, a cookie or two and some awesome conversation.  

Donations not required, but tremendously appreciated because they fund the visionary projects we are doing for you!

Laura Abernathy, CPC, ELI-MP
Writer, Certified Life Coach

​​​​​​​Tree of Life Sanctuary
School of the Soul
Founder, President, Executive Director

To schedule an appointment with me,

360.592.0924 (leave a message)
Mail: P O Box 1064, Bellingham, WA 98227-1064
Location: 314 E. Holly #106, Bellingham, WA

"Know Thyself" is the first step.
Our Connection and Your Trust in Me and the ToLS

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If you know someone who would enjoy my ezine, please feel free to forward this one to them.  

For those of you who are reading this and not currently subscribed, just reply with a request to be added.  I will add your email address and send you a confirmation link.  That's it - you are set!

AND....as I learn how to use Aweber better, I would really appreciate your replies telling me anything that looks weird on your end of the email.  Thanks!