Are You a Healer?

Published: Wed, 05/17/17

What is a Healer?
                          plus News & Fun
First, as always, I want to thank you so very much for opening my email. I work consistently to make this ezine worth your time. And welcome to you new subscribers!  I hope you will find something I and/or the Tree of Life Sanctuary can do to support your current phase of growth.
Supporting Community
This month's featured Colleague,
Jesse Nunley,
of Thriving Practice Center.  
Are You a Healer?
From Laura 
Hello Divine Beings!  I trust that life is offering you lots of opportunities for growth and joy.  That sure is the case for me!  I am laughing at Source and Its wicked sense of humor with me.  It is light fun though because I know it has my best interest at heart. Sometimes it just takes awhile for the mystery to unfold! 

This month I want to talk with you about the concept of being a healer.  My motivation for this is due to my desire to share with you about Jesse Nunley's new coaching program that is specifically designed for healers. Jesse is passionate about healers because of his own story around being healed as a young man.   

First, let's see what the dictionary says about the word "healer".  A condensed version of says:  "One who mends or alleviates distress or anguish. A person that heals". Do you consider yourself to be a healer?  I would expect that probably every one of  you would answer yes. Because you know that we can heal ourselves and each other on multiple levels, not just the physical, just by loving unconditionally.  Right?

Then there are those of you who are actually in the profession of body-based healthcare, such as massage.  You are a healthcare practitioner if you are doing any of the following, especially in a clinic setting:  naturopathy, acupuncture, chiropractic, massage, hypnotherapy, yoga, private practice registered nurse or doctor, dental hygiene.  You also qualify for this definition if you are working with non-humans, such as veterinary care!  For those of us who work primarily with the spiritual body through any spiritual business (profit or not for profit) such as Reiki, shamanism or life coaching....yep, we qualify too.  

So with that foundational clarity in place, please listen up to this news about Jesse's new coaching program!  

Many of you are already familiar with Jesse Nunley as he has been a Team Coach with the Tree of Life Sanctuary for 3 years now.  During this time he has also been building his own coaching practice, called Thriving Practice Center.  Warning!  As professionally educated as Jesse is in traditional business, he does not use the traditional business school model in his process.  He talks holistic healthcare language, brilliantly using the human body as a training metaphor.  Quite different from dry and booorrrring business lectures for sure!

His Thriving Practice Center offers support to health care practitioners in taking care of their practice as well as they take care of their patients!   It is a blend of business education and coaching, dedicated to supporting practitioners in creating their ideal practices. 

The really wonderful opportunity ToLS community has right now is that he is launching the Thriving Practice System and he is offering to us, until June 15th , a 70% discount to those who would like to participate in his new program as a founding member. 

This online, self-paced program allows both beginning healers or seasoned clinic owners to learn everything they need to take their practice to the next level in the areas of leadership, marketing, sales, finances and much more. It also includes a one-on-one session with Jesse.  The Thriving Practice System has over 200 hours of content covered in 12 modules.  Also included are special projects, exclusive blog content and practitioner interviews, all filled with the answers that you seek for your ideal practice. 

If you are interested, or know someone who might be, this $947 program is being discounted to $247 through June 15th.   For a ton more information and a 5 minute video of Jesse sharing with you why he created this unique program, click here to visit  This video will touch your heart and you will fall in love with him.  Join the "club" of Jesse fans like me who are so grateful to be working with him.  If you are inspired to join the "club", you can sign up on that page.  

And if you've skimmed over most of this because you are not a healthcare practitioner, but would love some advice and coaching for your unique business.....Jesse offers this too through his other service called Thenticate.  He and his other business partner, Jennifer Dodge, would love to customize a way to help you take your business to its ideal vision.   In a free consultation, you decide how much help you want from them.   Visit their Facebook page here

That's it for this issue, my Beloveds.   I will be sending out another ezine issue very soon introducing Tree of Life Sanctuary's newest Team Coach, Gene Mecka, who coaches using tarot!  

My Star Trek Convention story goal is to have it ready for release by July! Check out the latest sneak peek picture - below the class list.     

Until our next connection, keep taking extraordinary care of yourself so you can be your extraordinary best for others.  

Love and light,


Laura Abernathy, CPC, ELI-MP
Writer, Certified Life Coach

​​​​​​​Tree of Life Sanctuary
School of the Soul
Founder, President, Executive Director

To schedule an appointment with me, click here.
360.592.0924 (leave a message)
Mail: P O Box 1064, Bellingham, WA 98227-1064
Location: 314 E. Holly #106, Bellingham, WA

"Know Thyself" is the first step.
Supporting Community

Next issue's feature will be Gene Mecka, Tree of Life Sanctuary's newest Team Coach, who coaches using tarot! 
Our Connection and Your Trust in Me
and the Tree of Life Sanctuary

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You can unsubscribe at the very bottom of this email if you ever change your mind about hearing from us.  

If you know someone who would enjoy this ezine, please feel free to forward this one to them.  

For those of you who are reading this and not currently subscribed,  click here  to sign up and see the ezine archive.  Scroll down on the page for the sign up form.  You will receive an email with the link to confirm your request.  That's it - you are set! I learn how to use Aweber better, I would really appreciate your replies telling me anything that looks weird on your end of the email.  Thanks!  Laura
Class, Event & Service Descriptions
General Class and Event Info:
All classes and events are led by Laura Abernathy and are held at the Tree of Life Sanctuary, 314 E. Holly St., Suite 106, Bellingham, WA.  Live in-person class size is a maximum of 8.   ToLS Colleagues receive a 20% discount on all ToLS services and classes. To become a ToLS Colleague, just pay $25 per year for use of the library.  If you take one of the classes listed below, your library fee for the year is waived.  To sign up for a class, just click the link next to the class.  You can pay cash or check when you attend the class.  If you plan to use a credit card, send your payment via PayPal ahead of time to: 

Seasonal Open Houses:
In March, June and September to honor the changing of the seasons, the ToLS opens its doors to the public to drop in and visit with us.  There is no fee for these open houses, but we deeply appreciate donations as a 501(c)3 tax exempt spiritual organization. 

We offer light refreshments and encourage visitors to explore our library and ask questions of Laura and ToLS Colleagues.  In March we hold a special activity called “Creation of the Blossoming Vision Bough”.  It is a co-creation made each year by the ToLS Colleagues at the Spring Equinox.  Each Colleague attaches an item to the blossoming tree bough that represents their Vision for the New Year.  Throughout the year, at our noon meditation, we all send energy to it to strengthen the manifestation of every Colleague’s vision.  At the Winter Solstice, it is burned to release the energy back to the Source.

Intro to Hermetic Qabalah (the Tree of Life): 
A fascinating introduction that covers how Qabalah is a hologram within which a person can build a spiritual training for them self, according to their own Soul and their present understanding of God.    At the end if you want to learn more, you can join the monthly Hermetic Qabalah Self Study group (HQSS).   Laura also can follow up this intro class with a 10-week teleclass series that takes the Qabalah into more depth.    1.5 hrs/ $25   Includes 13 page handout.  (Refresher by repeating this class can be done for a donation amount of your choice.)  

Hermetic Qabalah Self Study Group (HQSS):
Expectations for Participation are…
  • Meets monthly
  • Has taken the ToLS Intro to Qabalah class
  • Holds a sincere desire to study Hermetic Qabalah (HQ) on one’s own time, to learn from fellow group participants and to respectfully share your insights and knowledge
  • Is responsible for own study agenda
  • Holds all sharing that occurs in the group as confidential
  • Demonstrates respect for all points of view offered
  • Honors the dance of group discussion by not interrupting others when they are speaking, and limiting your sharing to a reasonable length

Monthly donation scale for this group is $15 to $50 per month.  Pay the amount you are able to donate.  Your donation covers the monthly meeting plus…
  • Facebook Group - a dedicated and closed (“secret”) FB group
  • Suggested Reading & Viewing – a list provided at your first gathering that is updated regularly.
  • ToLS Library Use – use of the library is included.  You will be given a library card # and instructions on how to request an item for borrowing.

Intro to the Thoth Tarot Deck:   
An introductory class on the Thoth tarot deck that covers its relationship to the Tree of Life, why the Qabalah informs the reading of the cards, familiarization with the creators of the Thoth deck, a brief history of the tarot and recommendations for personal research.  2 hrs/ $25   Includes 14 page handout.  (Refresher by repeating this class can be done for a donation amount of your choice.)  

Intro to the Sacred & Mystical Hebrew Alphabet:  
This class covers how each of the 22 Hebrew letters are considered unique divine beings, and shows their placement in the Tree of Life.    We also discuss the mother, double and simple letters.   At the end if you want to learn more, Laura can follow up this intro class with an 8-week teleclass series that takes the Hebrew Alphabet into more depth.    1.5 hours/ $25    Includes 12 page handout.  (Refresher by repeating this class can be done for a donation amount of your choice.)   

Year End Life Review Teleclass:
This two-part teleclass held in November each year. Before the holiday season tilts into full swing, join Laura for some fun focusing on YOU!  This class has historically been offered only in person in Bellingham, however now you can join the fun no matter where you live!  If you like learning over the phone, and enjoy connecting with kindred spirits, all while at home in your jammies, this is for you!

Come experience a thought provoking self-discovery through the 3 simple steps of the year end life review. Laura has used this system herself for decades.  Class 1 explains the first two steps, which are right-brain driven. Class 2 explains the third step, which is left-brain driven. Learn about the Hermetic Cycle of Change.  Find out how deeply rich the emotional and spiritual payoff of this process can be. Get inspired to do your own year-end life review using the workbook provided.  

If you cannot attend the calls live, no worries!  The calls are recorded and you will be sent a link towards the end of November to download the workbook and recordings. You can listen and learn when it works for you. Come have some fun with us!

This 4 hour teleclass (two 2-hour sessions) is led by Laura Abernathy, CPC, ELI-MP, founder and Teacher of Tree of Life Sanctuary.  The attendance is kept to a maximum of 10 spots to maintain call quality.  Conference call information will follow registration. $20 Includes a 25 page PDF handout. (Refresher by repeating this teleclass can be done for a donation amount of your choice.)   

Upon Request Classes:

Discover Your Personal Mission Statement:
A one-day experience of discovering and writing your personal mission statement with one-on-one assistance from Laura.  The exercises lead you to describe the code you live by and ends with a written documentation of this deep, exploratory experience.   8 hrs/ $200 Includes a 35 page workbook.  To talk more about this 1 day class, click here.  

Discover Your Personal Mission Statement -7 Week Teleclass:  
A small group teleclass version of the in-person Discover Your Mission Statement experience.  The exercises lead you to describe the code you live by and ends with a written documentation of this deep, exploratory experience. Includes a one-on-one session afterwards with Laura to support you in completing your statement. Day and time of telelcass is arranged custom for the group, and is limited to 3 for call quality. Calls will be recorded for listening later if you need to miss any.  8 hrs over 7 weeks/ $95  Includes a 35 page workbook. (Refresher by repeating this teleclass can be done for a donation amount of your choice.)   To talk more about this teleclass, click here.  

ToLS Spiritual Library: 
We have unveiled our very diverse spiritual library.  Our library consists of over 1000 items (books, CDs, tapes, DVDs, VHS) that encompass not only metaphysics, but all spiritual paths.  To use our library you just need to be a ToLS Colleague which costs $25/year.  If you take one of the Intro classes, your fee for the year is waived.  You don’t have to live locally because we will mail you any item.  Visit the website library page at to find a listing of the current items available (over 300) which is continuously updated as we unpack more and more of the library. 

Tarot Readings with Laura:
If you desire a reading, Laura can do them in person, over the phone or via Skype.  She asks $64 for the one hour reading, and a $5 charge to create a CD recording of it.  There is no charge for a digital copy using Dropbox.  She also offers one hour readings for relationships at the same $64 fee.  Shorter readings are available; $32 for ½ hour and $22 for 15 minutes.   To schedule a tarot reading with Laura, click here.

Life Coaching with Laura:
Yes, she is available to be your one-on-one life coach!  To learn more about what this can mean for you and the financial expression of appreciation, make an appointment right now using her online scheduler ….  click here.