Our Winter card is the 9 of Cups, Happiness, and our Tree of Life Sanctuary community remains in the energy of water for its third season in a row. As a long time tarot disciple, I must declare that this is an unusual occurrence! First, in Summer 2017, we experienced the Hanged Man, and then second, in Autumn 2017 we had the 10 of Cups. And now we have the 9 of Cups. This triad of
water emphasizes that we are undergoing a profound, deep-rooted emotional transformation.
You will remember that over
the last three months of Autumn, the 10 of Cups made us ready for a change of the platform we use to engage with people. Up to now you and I have been very good at relating to people in one particular way, however now we must do it differently - in a way that is more aligned with our authentic self. Now you and I know what approaches no longer serve us and how to release them from our life. Did you get some clarity on new approaches and platforms?
I sure did!
Over the next three months of Winter, the 9 of Cups tells us that we have magnificent support in completing this platform change. Hoorray! This card represents the purification and crystallization of emotion.
It is a return to emotional balance, which manifests in body chemistry as joy and emotional fulfillment. It can be described as the perfect emotional bond between Souls. This is what authentic emotional connection feels like, right?
In the imagery of the card, the vines and lotuses are in full health; past relationship misalignments have been overcome. The violet cups (colored for spiritual fulfillment) are placed in three perfect and balanced columns, each
cup abundantly feeding the others below. The falling water is saturated with light, indicating a pure connection with the Source, and flows into a clear, sparkling sea. The sky is a soft blue, clear of any impending trouble. The cup arrangement is the geomantic figure called Laetitia which represents gladness, joy and wisdom.
You and I need to be vigilant though with our timetable. Our three month allotment for this aid is transitory. As blissful and satisfying as emotional nourishment feels, the balance is not designed to last. There is no such thing as a permanent honeymoon, is there ? So let's you and I grab this
tremendous opportunity to secure our authentic platform to engage with others. Then we will be impeccably and utterly prepared for the next step in our divine unfolding.