Our Spring card is the 4 of Cups, Luxury, and our Tree of Life Sanctuary community remains in the energy of water for its fourth season in a row. You will remember last quarter how I was amazed that we’d had three seasons in a row of water cards. Well y’all, it’s turned out to be a full year
of profound, deep-rooted emotional transformation! The ongoing theme of the cards has been the change of the platform that we use to engage with people. Up to now we have been very good at relating to people in one particular way, however now we are called to do it differently - in a way that is more aligned with our authentic self.
Please share with me how this has been unfolding for you. I would love to hear! Mine has been around the publication process for my book, where I have been swimming in a whole new realm of people, and ways of connecting with them.
Looking back over the last three months of Winter, the 9 of Cups indicated that we had
magnificent support in completing our platform change. This card reflected a return to emotional balance and the perfect bond between Souls. We were warned though to be vigilant with our timetable, for the aid was transitory.
Our new card, the 4 of Cups, tells us that we have made great emotional progress with our platform
change, however it is not yet fully grounded. We are filled with a wealth of satisfaction around our vision of the change, even possibly talking with potential partners about it. Yet there are action steps required to bring it into manifestation.
We feel the high emotional energy of our readiness, almost giddy from it. At the same time, we
feel some anxiousness around the next step. The question to reflect on is… “how can I act as a solid vessel pouring this vision into the physical plane?” The time of being passive and receptive is almost over. Be careful with the blissful tendency to think that the change will just happen all on its own. If we don’t act, the vision will fade away and return to Source.