This Saturday, January 25, 2020
Open House!
Tree of Life Sanctuary & Wise Awakening
, here's one last reminder about the cool event that the Tree of Life Sanctuary, and our "soul-sister" affiliate business, Wise Awakening, have put together!
It's all happening this Saturday, January 25th, 2020.
10 to 11 am is a group meditation in the Wise Awakening temple room led by Linda Hopper and Janet Simpson. Then the practitioner sessions begin! Light refreshments will be served. Remember that downtown metered parking is free on Saturdays.
This open house is the brainchild of one of our new ToLS Team Practitioners, Mary Nathanson, owner of 333 Balance! Please drop in to meet her and experience a session with her.
Look at the event flyers below for all of the details. (Hopefully you can enlarge them if you're reading this on your phone.)
The special note, , that I wanted to share today is that Emma and Marcia will be there and will have a volunteer sign up sheet. As you surely know, there are LOTS of projects going on here at ToLS! If any of these types of things listed below interest or intrigue you, please talk to them about helping us out. No training is needed for most of them, however, with all
of them, we are happy to get you the training you need.
- Board member (we’ll train you!)
- Board minutes (assisting Board Secretary)
- Fundraising and Grants (we'll train you!)
- General admin help: press releases and FB events (we’ll train you!)
- Migrate content from old Word Press site to current Wix site for Laura Abernathy.
- Event general assistance (like this Open House)
- Website Administration (Drupal, very part time, volunteer and eventually a paid position)
- Outlook/Aweber integration (a special project)
- Library:
- Hosting regular hours of operation @ ToLS
- Database update project (be part of the library team!)
- Write book reviews for ToLS library books
That's it for now. Please drop in on Saturday! The Tree of Life Sanctuary team will love seeing you, sharing some refreshments and having a soulful discussion.
Love and Light,
Laura Abernathy, CPC, ELI-MP
Writer & Life Coach
Raising Consciousness:
Tree of Life Sanctuary
School of the Soul
Founder, President, Executive Director
To schedule an appointment with me, click here.
360.592.0924 (leave a message please)
Mail: P O Box 1064, Bellingham, WA 98227-1064
Location: 314 E. Holly #106, Bellingham, WA
"Know Thyself" is the first step.