Growing and Reaching for the Sun ~ Here's Latest Update on ToLS's Amazing Progress!
Hi, . Spring is almost rolls in on Thursday, March 19th at 8:50 pm PT. Are you ready for some sunshine?
I know I was all ready to burst into Spring full force, and then Covid-19 showed up. So, while the ToLS team works to change things up a bit in order to be a responsible community organization, here's just a bit of news for now. I'll be in touch later this week about our Spring Equinox online event.
There always seems to be way too much news about the Tree of Life Sanctuary to share with you in just one monthly ezine issue. But, since I refuse to annoy you with weekly inbox intrusions, I find a way to fit it all in! Here's an overview...
- January Open House was a smashing success!
- Get to know our two new Team Members (amazing women!)
- We've finished parts one & two of four in our website upgrade with Parallel Public Works. Now on to part three!
- Coaching with Laura - one rare barter opening is available! (Hint: do you love gardening?)
Scroll down below my signature for the details on all of these.
By the way, once ToLS launches its upgraded website (late this Spring), I can just give you links to the news topics. No more having to scroll down and down and down in these emails.
That's it for now, . Until I have a chance to connect with you again soon, even if it has to be virtually, keep taking great care of yourself.
Laura Abernathy, CPC, ELI-MP
Writer & Life Coach
Raising Consciousness:
Tree of Life Sanctuary
School of the Soul
Founder, President, Executive Director
360.592.0924 (leave a message please)
Mail: P O Box 1064, Bellingham, WA 98227-1064
Location: 314 E. Holly #106, Bellingham, WA
"Know Thyself" is the first step.
January Open House with Wise Awakening
was a Blast!
We had about 50 people come through the event. All of the practitioners were fully booked, inspiring conversations occurred, souls met new kindred spirits and the Wise Awakening store served LOTS of spiritual seekers! Wow! Everyone had a fabulous time. The event committee plans to repeat it again ~ likely in September 2020. Maybe in January 2021, too. Would you like to be a volunteer at one of our events? Please make an appointment with Laura to talk about the details.
Mary Nathanson, CTC
New Team Practitioner
and Unit Share Partner
In my services with 333 Balance, I seek awareness for my clients via a “love journey”.
I strive to help them become self-aware of what I see in their energy field. They get to choose if it is true for them or not.
I’m a messenger, not a controller. I see my work with them as a journey of self-exploration. I honor their Will and the pace of their development. This results in the client experiencing more healing, compassion, and a deeper sense of self.
The Tree of Life Sanctuary provides these same services with a different perspective. We both have the same goals.
I am a writer, clairvoyant, and energy reader. I have been working subconsciously with subtle energies my entire life. However, my first spiritual awakening did not begin until I separated from a ten-year, toxic co-dependent relationship. My life was shattered, and I was forced to look in the mirror and heal myself. With the assistance of great teachers, I was able to process deep childhood patterns, traumas and beliefs that had set me up for these unhealthy life events. Through
unpacking the past, finding my present self and aligning with universal God source energy, I awakened to the depth of my empathic abilities. After years of training, working with energy and giving readings, I feel led to help others learn to heal thyself, too.
Rebekah Weintraub, ACC, CPC, ELI-MP, RR-MP
New Team Coach
Personal growth is my top value, and it drives me to be the best version of myself. I became a certified professional coach so I could help others do the same.
Years ago, I documented an agile methodology based on the lessons and blessings I experienced in my life. It outlines how to become the best version of ourselves and explains that if we optimize our mental, emotional, physical and spiritual dimensions, then balance them together, we achieve a strong flow of intuition.
When intuition is optimal, our clair senses come alive, we experience a regular cadence of serendipitous moments, we are guided to make choices that align with our purpose and passion, and we are given the ability to manifest the life we desire.
To achieve these gifts, we focus on clearing mental resentments, emotional blockages, and fears and anxiety from our physical dimension, so we achieve strong inner power. We are also ready for a divine connection with our spiritual dimension, our outer power, which can be customized and is unique to each of us.
As a coach, helping spiritual seekers embark on this very personal and special journey is a pleasure. To help others fill themselves up, so they can give what’s overflowing to those they love, provides an opportunity to deeply connect to others where gratitude, joy, love, and unity thrive.
New ToLS Website Coming Soon with the Help of Parallel Public Works
Thanks to you, a member of our ToLS generous community, we have completed parts one and two of four of our website upgrade. We are learning a lot and having fun! Part 3 starts now with site structure and content. Part 4, which is the final launch, will cost $1,500. If you'd like to donate towards this, use our Facebook page here. Or, you can also start your own fundraiser for us. For easy step by step set up, go here. Of course, you can always donate via PayPal here.
Coaching with Laura ~ Barter for a Gardener!
Have you been longing to do life coaching with Laura but haven't seen a way to make it work financially? Are you a nature lover that gardens and enjoys yard work? Then keep reading!
Laura has very few slots available for one-to-one coaching due to her full work load. Much less barter spot openings! The great news is that one of those slots has opened up! She needs help with taking care of her yard and flower garden at her home in Van Zandt, WA. Sound appealing to you?
If these requirements describe you, make an appointment with her to talk about this opportunity in more detail.
- You LOVE gardening and yard work and getting dirty
- You have your own basic gardening hand tools
- You have some past hands-on work experience with gardening
- You are ok driving to Van Zandt regularly to do the work
- Having your own business is a plus (does not need to be garden related)
- Having access to a truck is also a plus
Community Note from the Tree of Life Sanctuary re Covid-19:
To protect our most vulnerable population members, wash your hands often for 20 seconds or more. Use hand sanitizer when you are not able to wash with soap and water. Particularly if you have touched a common implement, such as an ATM, gas pump or CC machine at a store. Keep your hands off of your face, ears and eyes as much as possible. People unconsciously touch their face involuntarily up to 90x's a day!
And lastly, please see a medical professional if you believe you may have been exposed to the COVID-19 virus.