Ok, , a time of true testing is here. The ToLS Team was made for times like this and so were YOU! First thing to do is take a few deep breaths.
It's normal to feel your gut tightening amid this Covid-19 experience. It's our survival instinct kicking in. Just remember to check yourself...are you holding your breath? If so, slow down and begin breathing again...over and over.
Tree of Life Sanctuary is going to begin holding weekly Zoom calls for our community. There is no charge for these, however we do hope you will remember ToLS on the other side of it. We do need donations to accomplish our mission of uncovering the Divine in spiritual seekers by nurturing self-exploration.
The focus of these Zoom calls is to support you in putting your attention on not only making healthy self-care choices, but ALSO on your life vision. It's important to stay on track, to use your time wisely and strengthen your relationship with the Divine Within you!
The Zoom calls will be a safe space to speak your fears in order to release them and make space for solutions. If you are a newbie to Zoom, that's ok. The ToLS team will help you wrap your brain around it. All you need is a pc, phone or other device, and an internet connection.
Our only March event, the Spring Equinox Blossoming Vision Bough creation, will occur online using Zoom. You know that we are already connected in Spirit anyway, right? We can handle not being together physically for awhile. More details will follow on how to join this event in another email. While I have always strived to only send emails once a month, they'll
increase now. At least until we move through this Covid-19 experience together.
In closing, remember that this scary experience is temporary. We'll make it through as we stick together virtually and also in our hearts. May you and your loved ones remain healthy and strong. Let's visualize together a positive transformation of our species on the other side of this global challenge.