Star Trek Pandemic Fun
"Dammit, Jim! I'm a doctor not a...."
Hi, . This man above is an ER doctor that is a friend of the family. I've cropped his face out to maintain his privacy. I love how this front-line hero is bringing humor to his extremely difficult work. Way to go, Doc!
I'm still in San Francisco with my husband, caring for my elderly sibling that lives alone. We are following the stay-at-home order and only going out for doctor appointments and required errands. I appreciate deeply all of your well wishes! I am particularly grateful right now for my life long focus on my spiritual training to know know THYSELF. I'm using every tool in my kit these days!
I wanted to be sure to keep you updated though about ToLS events and news. We are still fully committed to serving you through the pandemic. Here's a quick list. All of the details follow below my signature box.
- The third "Fear to Trust" virtual gathering, hosted again by Team Coach Lynne Brisdon, happens on Monday, 4/27/20 @ 7 pm PT
- ToLS Team Coach, Jesse Nunley, has published his first book! It's about Betterment in Today's World of Business
- ToLS Collegue, Gloria Riley, has also published a book! It's about Keys to Navigating the Seas of Life using Numerology & Astrology. ToLS Colleague, Nancy Coreas, has written a review on it that you can read below.
Covid-19 ~ Fear to Trust, a ToLS Virtual Gathering
In our previous two gatherings, I heard many expressions of challenges from the attendees. One that came up last time really struck me...being
an isolated lightworker. People like you, , who are in service to others in ways both visible and invisible, yet doing it alone. Attendees talked about how tiring this can be. There was also the anxiety of not knowing one's role in the future as a lightworker. Well, if these are some of the feelings you are having, we are on your
Come spend an hour with Lynne Brisdon, ToLS team coach, and Laura Abernathy, founder of the Tree of
Life Sanctuary, for support in living and thriving through the Covid-19 pandemic. This session is one of many we hope to schedule over the upcoming weeks.
The focus of these Zoom calls is to support you in putting your attention on not only making healthy self-care choices, but ALSO on your life vision. It's important to stay on track right now, to use your time wisely and strengthen your relationship with the Divine Within you! These Zoom calls will be a safe space to speak your fears in order to release them and make space for solutions.
If you are a newbie to Zoom, that's ok. The ToLS team will help you wrap your brain around it. All you need is a pc, phone or other device,and an internet
There is no charge for these, however we do hope you will remember ToLS after the
pandemic is over. While this gathering does not require one, we do need donations to accomplish our mission of uncovering the Divine in spiritual seekers by nurturing self-exploration.
Watch the video of the second "Fear to Trust" session
coached by Lynne Brisdon here.
Many in our ToLS community are dealing with challenging blocks ~ those pandemic circumstances beyond our control. So if you feel you need some ideas on how to move through those blocks, register for our next Fear to Trust
Keep scrolling down below my signature to get the scoop on the two new ToLS Colleague books!
I'm still visualizing a positive transformation of our species on the other side of this global challenge. Remember, , you and I were MADE for these times!
Laura Abernathy, CPC, ELI-MP
Writer & Life Coach
Raising Consciousness:
Tree of Life Sanctuary
School of the Soul
Founder, President, Executive Director
360.592.0924 (leave a message please)
Mail: P O Box 1064, Bellingham, WA 98227-1064
Location: 314 E. Holly #106, Bellingham, WA
"Know Thyself" is the first step.
F*CK Growth: A Guide to Betterment in
Today's World of Business
From "Growth for the sake of Growth is the mindset of a cancer cell. It is also, unfortunately, the mainstream mindset in business boardrooms of all levels. F*CK Growth looks to challenge and replace that mindset with one of Betterment. Take the journey through every area of business, pinpoint the "growth" mindset within them and uncover a better way."
is published!
(And yes, it's in our ToLS library!)
From Amazon..."Here is a book on Numerology and Astrology that you don’t have to study for a year to find out what you want to know. Gateways to Change is a fun and interesting trip with three of the country's most experienced captains guiding you quickly from port to port. NO memorization. NO complicated math. Just a quick addition of a few key numbers and you’re directed to the information that YOU want to know. Even
a total novice is up and running in minutes!"
And here's a review by
one of our ToLS Colleagues, Nancy Coreas
(Thanks, Nancy!)
Gateways to Change 2018 & Beyond:
Keys to Navigating the Seas of Life
using Numerology & Astrology
The definition of a gateway is described as being “… an access, gate, or entrance to another place.” As is this book: Gateways to Change 2018 and Beyond, an actual portal that aids in transporting readers into that mystical place we call destiny. One may not think destiny can be planned, after all destiny is believed to be a hidden power that mysteriously and without
one’s contribution controls the future. What most do not realize is that destiny and fate can be monitored and therefore strategized. The hidden powers lie within the individual whom has sought and acquired such navigational tools.
This book provides those navigational tools, written by three extraordinary women practitioners and masters in the ancient arts of Numerology and Astrology, authors: Gloria (Gray) Riley, Jenni L. Sinclair, and Elizabeth (Liz) Muschett, whom collectively also practice as Reiki masters among other spiritual talents. The authors have years of experience and have tapped into their shared knowledge to collaborate to create this impactful body of work.
Gateways to Change is written in an easy to follow format where one can do very simple math to follow individual assessments for an array of personal manifestations that range from daily, monthly, yearly astrological predictions with an extended scope never before compiled into a single publication. It is exciting that the authors expanded beyond numerology and astrology to include other celestial affects such as the moon, in all its stages. Or the Mercury
Backspin with its chaotic Retrograde. The authors share simple to follow charts with specific dates throughout the years, beyond its publication date of 2018 well onto 2050 and in some charts, 2099. This allows one to stay up to date on this journey called life, all awhile feeling in control of one’s own destiny.
At last one can prepare for the future, as the authors note,
“exercising free will and freedom of choice,” to take charge of destiny and, in so, live a more fulfilled life. This book serves as a guide for every individual to treasure throughout the years with its future encompassing structure. Everyone should own a copy of Gateways to Change 2018 & Beyond, to share with family and friends and as an everyday resource for our own life. The cosmos are filled
with answers, all one has to do is listen. As author Gloria Riley expressed "to the natural rhythms of the universe”.
[If you would like to read a ToLS library book and write a review for our ezine, please email us here. ]
Community Note from the Tree of Life Sanctuary re Covid-19:
To protect our most vulnerable population members, wash your hands often for 20 seconds or more. Use hand sanitizer when you are not able to wash with soap and water. Particularly if you have touched a common implement, such as an ATM, gas pump or CC machine at a store. When out of your home doing essential errands, consider wearing a mask. Keep your hands off of your face, ears and eyes as much as possible.
People unconsciously touch their face involuntarily up to 90x's a day! And lastly, please call your medical professional if you believe you may have been exposed to the COVID-19 virus.