I hope you are enjoying the start of Summer today at 2:44 pm PT, no matter what the pandemic has brought into your life. It's been a little over three months since the pandemic was "declared" in the U.S., which was basically the season of Spring. As
we move into this next season of Summer, I have been ruminating on what nature's seasons might say to me about my resiliency.
In the image above you will find the four seasons and their messages (applying to the northern hemisphere of Earth). This information comes from Hermetic Qabalah, the spiritual path I trained in. The concept behind it is that when we live our lives in
alignment with nature's example, we experience more harmony and balance ~ regardless of what is going on around us. (I've attached to this email a PDF version of this image if you want it.)
Let me clarify. Look back at the pandemic experience in the U.S....Spring was when it was "born". For everyone, it has been the birth of a new way of being in daily life. I had to adapt and figure out where my personal boundary should be, literally! I had an opportunity to choose what attitude I would have about why the pandemic was happening. I found it chilling to come to the conclusion that it was mostly an airborne virus! Notice all of the matches to Spring?
So Summer is now here. I am asking myself... what can I do to align with nature and stay in balance and harmony? My life is clearly all about intense growth right now. It shifted dramatically when I was called to help my out of town
sibling with a health issue. Now my focus is on managing my growth, while staying aligned with my life purpose. How can I "ripen" my creative projects and present them to the world, while holding the center of my life?
The fascinating thing about nature is that it is a magnificent teacher of resilience. The definition of resilience is "The capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness. The ability of a substance or object to spring back into shape; elasticity." By studying nature's example of harmony and balance, we can
learn resiliency!
I'd like to hear what you think about this, . While the pandemic has caused the Tree of Life Sanctuary to pause it's seasonal open houses, we still can gather virtually on Zoom. I plan to do my very best to offer another
virtual gathering when I am back home later this month. Then I can hear your thoughts on how nature is a teacher of resiliency. I'll let you know the details soon.
Remember, , as difficult as the changes are that life is demanding of us, TRULY ~ you and I have been asking for this. Let's do it!