Hi, . Thank you for reading my email. And happy summer!
~ Quick Summary ~
- A pandemic musing from me.
- 6/23/21: Pandemic Support Virtual Gathering, Wednesday, 6 to 7 pm. Zoom link below.
- 6/24/21: Your Path ~ Your Spiritual Satisfaction group coaching program starts a new round 7/22/21. Virtual info gathering with myself and Lynne Brisdon. Thursday, 6 to 7:30 pm. (Additional date is 7/8/21.) Register in Eventbrite. You can also access the assessment and the video here in ToLS Online Spiritual School.
- 8/28/21: Hermetic Qabalah Self-Study group begins a new book, The Qabalistic Tarot by Robert Wang. Complimentary info session on Saturday, 1 to 3 pm. Eventbrite registration coming soon.
~The Details ~
, I recently read an article by the President of the Save the Redwoods League. He started with an Oscar Wilde quote....
“Veil after veil of thin dusky gauze is lifted, and by degrees the forms and colours of things are restored to them, and we watch the dawn remaking the world in its antique pattern.”
This really struck me as a beautiful way of describing where we are now in the Covid-19 pandemic. We've all been through so much this last year and a half! Lots of wounding, suffering and yet inspiring transformation. We have wrapped ourselves in the gauze of self-care, moving from fear to trust. And now into a new way of being. We are still wobbly after having fallen down hard, yet we
ARE making our way to the Light.
I hope you will join me and other ToLS community participants this Wednesday evening, this time in particular. I want to hear from you how myself and ToLS in the upcoming months ~ as the pandemic recedes ~ can use this monthly time together to best serve you, . The Zoom link to the gathering is below.
6/23/21: Pandemic Support Virtual Gathering, Wednesday, 6 to 7 pm. Zoom link below.
Topic: Ripening 2021: How Do You Ripen Your Vision?
Time: Jun 23, 2021 06:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
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Passcode: 778799
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Meeting ID: 817 9420 0786
Passcode: 778799
REMINDER....6/24/21: Your Path ~ Your Spiritual Satisfaction group coaching program starts a new round 7/22/21. This time we are doing the info gatherings about the program a bit differently. We will be taking
attendees through the assessment during the gathering. If you attended one of these in the past and struggled doing the assessment on your own, here's your chance to have our live assistance. Virtual info gathering with myself and Lynne Brisdon. Thursday, 6 to 7:30 pm. (Additional date is 7/8/21.) Register in
Eventbrite. You can also access the assessment and the video here in ToLS Online Spiritual School.
REMINDER....8/28/21: Hermetic Qabalah Self-Study group begins a new book, The Qabalistic Tarot by Robert Wang. Complimentary info session on Saturday, 1 to 3
pm. We just finished a book and are starting a new one! Maybe you'd like to learn about this next book and join us this time? Eventbrite registration coming soon.
Our Amazing Website! Maybe you have a moment right now to see our new digital home (our new website), check it out! It's wonderful!
There is still work to be done, such as fully utilizing the calendar and blog. However, all of us at ToLS are so proud of it. Our Board, volunteers and precious donors have put so much heart, soul and time into it.
That's it for today, . When I started the Tree of Life Sanctuary in Washington State in 2010, I never imagined I would need to send out so many emails! At least you know I am thinking about you a lot. You are in my heart, even if we haven't talked live in years. I can feel your energy right now. Thanks for reading to the end.
Hugs, love and light,